Loving Each Other, by Shiri Djenté Pollack, Ph.D.

Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to man.”  -The Dalai Lama

Shiri Pollack’s awareness and compassion changed
me when I read this book; her deep attentiveness
and ability to dwell with the natural world without
expectation yields a delight not only in living beings
but in living itself. She permanently lifted a veil
from my eyes with her patient, tender, observation
and ability to see liminality. Those who read it will want
to share it with everyone they know.
Rev Teresa Jones, M.Div. Director, Sacred Space, Tucson

As we become more interested in exploring the possibilities of how this planet can truly become a haven where we can all be the best of who we are -- where we can all blossom into the fullness of our Divine Essence, --  our destiny becomes interwoven with the lives of our environment, including the animal kingdom.  That we all need each other to be our best is becoming more and more evident. 

The short stories presented here reflect this truth and show how both people and animals can grow and experience greater harmony through kinship and mutual respect.

Dr. Shiri Pollack’s background and experiences both as a sociologist and as a wellness coach have primed her to think in terms of new possibilities about how we see ourselves and our relationships to our environment.

This second book in the To Earth With Love series, Loving Each Other: The Magic of Humans and Animals Intertwined, was written to inspire the celebration of moment by moment interactions with other animals.  Being consciously aware of these experiences can help lift the vibration of the planet and increase its sustainability.

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